Inbreeding Effects
by Carol Beuchat PhD
On lifespan
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For every 1% increase in inbreeding, a dog lives on average 20.6 days less.
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- Long P & B Klei Inbreeding and longevity in Bernese Mountain Dogs. (Powerpoint)
For every 1% increase in inbreeding, a dog lives on average 20.6 days less.
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- Armstrong JB 2000 Longevity in the Standard Poodle. The Canine Diversity Project. (pdf)
Causes of Mortality
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- Armstrong JB 2000 Longevity in the Standard Poodle. The Canine Diversity Project. (pdf)
Litter Size & Lifespan
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- Leroy G & X Rognon 2013 Breeding practices according to breeds, time and place, and consequences. 6th Tuft's Canine & Feline Breeding and Genetics Conference, Sept 27-29, 2013, Boston.

Litter Size
Offspring Mortality
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- Rehfeld...
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- Wildt DE, EJ Baas, PK Chakraborty, TL Wolfle & AP Stewart. 1982 Influence of inbreeding on reproductive performance, ejaculate quality and testicular volume in the dog. Theriogenology 17: 445-452.