Online Course
Managing Genetics for the Future
The biology of breeds
Assessing the genetic health of a breed
The benefits and costs of inbreeding
Genetic consequences of breeding strategies
Fixing existing genetic problems and preventing new ones
Developing a plan for sustainable breeding
How long? How much? The course is approximately 10 weeks; fee is $125. After you register, you can sit in on the course again as many times as you want. How much time will it take? Generally there will be 3-5 hours of reading and homework exercises each week. You can work with the class or at your own pace. There is no class meeting time - materials will be available to you 24/7 through the course website. How will we meet? The course is held entirely online. We will have a private Facebook group where we can discuss and ask questions. You can live anywhere in the world; all you need is an internet connection. What do we need? You need to have internet access to the course website, where you can access the materials for each week. * Textbook required for the course: Sponenberg, Beranger, & Martin. 2022. Managing Breeds For A Secure Future, 3rd Edition. NOTE: Make sure you order the THIRD edition of the book! You don't need the book for the first 2 weeks, so there is time to order it when you register. You can order the book here -