In this game, you have to select for a particular desirable health trait in the tigers (malaria resistance) while also keeping the level of inbreeding in the population to a reasonable level. In another scenario, you need to manage the genetic diversity in a small population of tigers that get more inbred every generation.
Of course, in the real world breeders are juggling even more competing or even conflicting traits, and even worse you usually don't know anything about the genes in the animals. No doubt about it, breeding is tricky business!
You can learn more about the genetics of breeding dogs (and tigers) in
This is a 10 week, online course, with students from all over the world.
The next class starts 7 November 2016
*** 9 November - There's still time to join us! ***
ICB's online courses
Coming up NEXT -
Basic Population Genetics for Dog Breeders
Next class starts 7 November 2016
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